专业行政服务证书(正式的第二级)是嵌入工作的, 相关初级管理员的日常工作, 灵活地满足目标和专业发展要求. 整个加利福尼亚州的现任管理人员都有资格申请和注册.
The heart of the induction/clear program is delivered through one-on-one coaching throughout the state of California where each candidate is provided a university coach for mentoring of the candidate. Each coach is also a recently retired longtime school administrator who supports the candidate for eight quads of eight weeks each valued at one unit per quad — spread out over a two-year period. 与现场导师一起, the candidate and the university coach develop an individual growth plan based on the candidate’s competency assessment of knowledge, 技能, 和利益. The 实博体育 coach will meet with the candidate approximately five hours per quad at the workplace or off-campus location of mutual agreement.
The 专业行政服务证书 program is designed to facilitate the onsite reflective coaching induction and professional development of beginning administrators and fulfill the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) requirements for the 专业行政服务证书. The program utilizes a reflective coaching format that includes a minimum of 20 hours of onsite coaching by a university fieldwork coach/supervisor each year for 24 months. 的8-unit, four-semester program is centered on the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSELs) and supports participants in clarifying and achieving the actual goals and tasks confronting them as beginning administrators. 该计划也被设计为在学年内工作, 整个夏天都不上课.
Note: All new administrators in the state are required to enter a CASC program within (60) days of becoming an administrator.
为什么要在实博体育 vs完成CASC. 你们县的教育局?
- You’ll be coached by a seasoned veteran administrator who will be able to provide expert guidance on the situations you’ll handle as a new administrator.
- 总成本是5美元,280, 与加州大多数地区办事处提供的替代方案相比,实博体育的CASC更实惠.