

证书: 对于现在的学校管理者. 在开始该计划之前必须已经拥有初步行政服务证书.


专业行政服务证书(正式的第二级)是嵌入工作的, 相关初级管理员的日常工作, 灵活地满足目标和专业发展要求. 整个加利福尼亚州的现任管理人员都有资格申请和注册. 

The heart of the induction/clear program is delivered through one-on-one coaching throughout the state of California where each candidate is provided a university coach for mentoring of the candidate. Each coach is also a recently retired longtime school administrator who supports the candidate for eight quads of eight weeks each valued at one unit per quad — spread out over a two-year period. 与现场导师一起, the candidate and the university coach develop an individual growth plan based on the candidate’s competency assessment of knowledge, 技能, 和利益. The 实博体育 coach will meet with the candidate approximately five hours per quad at the workplace or off-campus location of mutual agreement.

The 专业行政服务证书 program is designed to facilitate the onsite reflective coaching induction and professional development of beginning administrators and fulfill the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) requirements for the 专业行政服务证书. The program utilizes a reflective coaching format that includes a minimum of 20 hours of onsite coaching by a university fieldwork coach/supervisor each year for 24 months. 的8-unit, four-semester program is centered on the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSELs) and supports participants in clarifying and achieving the actual goals and tasks confronting them as beginning administrators. 该计划也被设计为在学年内工作, 整个夏天都不上课. 

Note: All new administrators in the state are required to enter a CASC program within (60) days of becoming an administrator.

为什么要在实博体育 vs完成CASC. 你们县的教育局?


  1. You’ll be coached by a seasoned veteran administrator who will be able to provide expert guidance on the situations you’ll handle as a new administrator.
  2. 总成本是5美元,280, 与加州大多数地区办事处提供的替代方案相比,实博体育的CASC更实惠.


实博体育的教育学院不仅是圣地亚哥教育候选人的顶级生产者之一, 而是加利福尼亚州. 阅读更多关于实博体育正在做的工作.



我们要让整个过程变得简单. 我们会指导你完成申请流程, 回答你的问题, 让你离拿到学位更近一步.


  • 2024年秋季- 2024年9月2日
  • 2024年秋季Quad II - 2024年10月28日
  • 春季2025 Quad I - 2025年1月13日
  • 春季2025年Quad II - 2025年3月17日


  • 2024年秋季Quad I - 2024年8月21日
  • 2024年秋季Quad II - 2024年10月16日
  • 春季2025 Quad I - 2024年12月11日
  • 春季2025年Quad II - 2025年2月28日

注意:不是所有的课程都为新生提供入学资格. 向你的招生顾问咨询课程和开始日期.



The educational context at Point Loma拿撒勒大学 will challenge you to live a full life that integrates the pursuit of knowledge with beliefs, 值, 和行动. 同时尊重不同的观点和信仰, 实博体育将基督教价值观和原则融入到教育经验中.

We understand that your application is not only a reflection of you as a student; it’s a reflection of you as a person. 在实博体育, 我们会全面评估你的学术经历, 工作及生活经历, background, 以及决定是否进入研究生课程的具体情况.

你的实博体育投注GPA是你申请的重要部分, 但如果你的平均成绩没有达到3分的最低要求.0或更高, you may still be eligible for admission based on your application package as well as the exceptions policy* per your particular program. 因此, 我们强烈建议您联系您的入学顾问, who will advise you regarding your qualifications and provide specific information about the admission-under-exceptions process.

被录取进入实博体育的专业行政服务证书课程, 你必须拥有地区认可机构颁发的学士学位, as evidenced by an official transcript from an institution that indicates the completion of an undergraduate degree.

招生面试:你可能有资格获得面试豁免. Eligibility can be discussed in more depth with a 实博体育 admissions counselor once you've started your application. 

如果你对你的资格或整个项目有任何疑问, 我们鼓励你联系你的招生顾问.

*例外政策:如果你有低于3.0 GPA in your baccalaureate degree you will need to speak with your enrollment counselor for more information on the exceptions materials needed for your particular program.




注意:除成绩单外,申请完全在线完成, 哪些可以通过电子方式或直接提交给实博体育, 还有考试成绩, 哪些应以电子方式提交.

  1. 提交一个 在线申请 入学费用(包括$50不可退还的申请费), 校友可获豁免的学费, 现役或退役军人及其家属, 和实博体育员工).
  2. 提交 官方成绩单 获得地区认可机构的学士学位证明.*(如果您是实博体育校友,请通知您的辅导员取回您的成绩单. 你不需要向实博体育记录办公室要求成绩单.)

    Point Loma拿撒勒大学
    3900 Lomaland博士.


  3. 提交一个 个人论文,长度2-3页,双倍行距.
  4. 一旦你提交了入学申请,你的 选出两名专业推荐人 会自动发送自动生成的文件来代您完成吗. 如果你想在这份必需的文件之外再附上一封书面信件, 你可以这样做, 但这是不必要的.



State authorization is a formal determination that 实博体育 is approved to conduct educational activities regulated by that state or U.S. 领土. 实博体育不需要在每个州或美国获得州授权.S. 领土, 目前,该大学已选择不寻求某些州和美国法律的授权.S. 领土. 此外,实博体育符合某些州豁免授权的标准.

此时此刻, 实博体育在阿肯色州没有授权, 康涅狄格, 特拉华州, 哥伦比亚特区, 乔治亚州, 马里兰, 麻萨诸塞州, 密歇根, 明尼苏达州, 新墨西哥, 纽约, 罗德岛州, 威斯康辛州, 和美国.S. 领土. 

特定州的授权可能会定期更改. 实博体育建议联系实博体育招生部门,电话:(800)733-7770获取最新信息.


This program is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and meets the requirements for educator certification in the state of California, Point Loma拿撒勒大学在哪里. 实博体育 cannot confirm whether or not specific programs meet out-of-state requirements for professional licensure or certification. 有关州外教师资格认证要求的信息可在 这个网站


Pursuing a degree or credential in administrative leadership will prepare you to lead at the school site or district level or to continue leading at those levels with greater effectiveness.


  • 校长或副校长

  • 区管理员

  • 指导协调

  • 课程专家

  • 项目负责人

  • 学院或大学的教务长或院长

  • 学院或大学系主任

  • 招生顾问

  • 大学注册



实博体育的教育学院不仅是圣地亚哥教育候选人的顶级生产者之一, 而是加利福尼亚州. 阅读更多关于实博体育正在做的工作.


我们非常重视为您提供财务支持, 学术, 以及职业支持,这样你就有了在实博体育和其他地方取得成功所需的工具. 这就是为什么我们提供一个全面的支持系统,专注于您的独特经历, 特定的需求, 以及个人和职业目标——源于我们对你们的深切关注, 我们的学生.

专注于真实的关系和个性化的关注, 我们的目标是帮助你改变,这样你就可以在自己的职业和生活中追随自己的使命.




Candidates may start the clear program only after they hold a valid 初步行政服务证书 AND after they’re working full time as a school administrator in a public, 私人, 或非公立加州学校. 尽管法规最近有所改变, school administrators with preliminary credentials MUST enroll in a clear program within 12 months of receiving their first administrative assignment (The previous rule dating back to December 2016 was to begin within 120 days of the candidate’s first administrative assignment).




管理员通过ctc批准的入职计划获得明确的证书, 在线模块只是其中一个组成部分.

The four units of online modules are instructional lessons all tied to the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders Standards (CPSELS). 这些课程分为8个实博体育,每个课程8周.5-unit “mini-courses” are taken online through 实博体育’s Canvas 学习ing Management System under the supervision of a 实博体育 professor who’s also a retired longtime K-12 school administrator.

入职/明确计划是通过加利福尼亚州一对一的指导/指导计划. Each candidate is paired with a university coach for a two-year period to develop an individual growth plan based on the candidate’s competency assessment of knowledge, 技能, 和利益. The 实博体育 coach will meet with the candidate approximately five hours per quad at the workplace or off-campus location of mutual agreement.


加州教师资格认证委员会(CTC)要求, 入职培训至少要进行两个学年. 对于大多数候选人来说,这个项目在秋季开始,在第二年的春季结束. 然而,根据候选人的要求和个人情况,该项目可以在年中开始.


The CTC requires all holders of preliminary credentials to complete the clear program requirements within five years after they obtain their first administrative position.


No. 您的课程将与学年保持一致,并且您在夏季不会上课.


有关专业行政服务证书计划所需课程的信息, 查看实博体育目录. 

