Accelerated Undergraduate
现在,拿到你的学士学位,把你的职业生涯提升到一个新的水平. 作为一个已经获得大学学分的成年学生,需要非传统的学校时间表, 你可以继续深造,开拓新的职业机会 in as few as 15 months at 实博体育.
I'm Ready to Get Started
我们的兼职和在线学士学位课程旨在提供具有挑战性的课程, hands-on experience, 专业资源将帮助你在课堂内外茁壮成长. 找到一条学术道路,为你有意义的未来提供知识和信心.
Earn Your Degree in San Diego or Online
除了我们便利的使命谷位置和我们100%的实博体育, 实博体育与当地社区学院合作,在圣地亚哥县的校园提供学士学位.
Why Should I Finish My College Degree as an Adult?
作为一个成年人,回到学校完成你的学位可能是一种非常积极的经历. By furthering your education, 你提高了自己在自己热爱的领域寻找工作的能力. Though the idea may seem intimidating at first, 熟悉你成年后获得学位的选择会告诉你,回到学校并不像你想象的那么困难或令人生畏.
完成你的学位可以在很多方面对你的生活有益. Completing your degree has the potential to 提高你的薪水,工作满意度,幸福感,甚至你的寿命. 2019年发表在《实博体育》上的一项研究发现,拥有四年制大学学位的人比从未获得大学学位的人预期寿命更长.
Additionally, 拥有一个大学学位可以让你追求你热爱的工作和职业. Rather than settling, 迈出这一步,在一个让你充满快乐和兴奋的领域获得职业资格. 成年后重返校园可以以一种深刻而持久的方式提高你的生活质量和寿命. 通过完成你在实博体育的学位,打开你自己的新的可能性 我们众多适合您特定需求的项目之一. When it comes to 实博体育, your current work schedule is taken into account, 确保你不用辞掉工作就能完成学业. In addition to accommodating your work schedule, we also accept your previously earned college credits, 让你更容易以及时有效的方式获得学位.
Adult Education Resources to Explore
- Work, Parenting, and College: 5 Tips to Be Successful
- Great Degrees for Adults Returning to College
- 4 Signs It’s Time For a Career Change
- 你应该回到学校获得学士学位吗?
- Jobs for Organizational Leadership Degree Holders
- 5 Myths About Earning a Child Development Degree
- What is an RN to BSN Degree?
- Careers You Can Pursue in Criminal Justice
Accelerated Undergraduate News and Events
Student Support
We are committed to supporting you holistically. 这意味着你将有机会获得资源来帮助你完成课堂作业, your spiritual life, and your professional goals.
探索各种资源,从备考课程、写作研讨会到简历和求职信咨询, networking opportunities, and our chaplain’s one-on-one office hours.
Explore Student Support